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  • February 21, 2019 4 min read

    Do you know your do1p from your wo2p? Do you think a dashboard is something found in a car?

    Are you new to planning and wondering what people are talking about?

    This planner glossary is for you!

    See how many of the following terms you are familiar with… and then see how you rate at the end!



    A style of paper punching developed by Staples™


    A ring or disc-bound folder that can hold planner inserts


    The appearance of marks from one side of the page on the other (undesired)


    Short for bullet journal

    Bullet Journal

    A style of notebook (usually dot-grid) that can be used for planning, with the user drawing in individual layouts and decorations by hand.  This may or may not incorporate the bullet journalling method, a specific method of using keys and legends to plan in bullet journals.


    A planner and insert set, sometimes also including other accessories like a dashboard and dividers

    Chasing Planner Peace

    A fabulous planner business selling planners, inserts and all sorts of planner accessories!


    A cardboard or plastic page that is used at the front of a planner.

    Decorative stickers

    Stickers that are used for aesthetics only


    The act of selling unwanted or surplus planner items


    A system of planner closure that involves inserts attached to discs that hold the planner together.  Pages can be removed and inserted easily.


    Paper or cardboard inserts that are used in a ring or disc-bound planner to separate inserts according to subject matter


    Page layout featuring a day on 1 page


    Page layout featuring a day on 2 pages


    Stands for Erin Condren, a popular manufacturer of planners featuring distinctive-sized vertical boxes


    Stands for Erin Condren Life Planner, a style of planner produced by Erin Condren.


    A popular marketplace for crafty goods, including many planner businesses


    The use of gold or silver as a decoration on planner items

    Full box

    A sticker that is designed to cover the whole area of the box in an EC style planner spread

    Functional stickers

    Stickers that are used for a particular purpose e.g. recording or reminding the planner about certain information


    A type of sticker material that features a shiny surface


    A sticker that is designed to cover half of the area of the box in an EC style planner spread

    Happy mail

    An order of planner goodies that is received in the mail

    Happy Planner

    A disc-bound planner system produced by Me & My Big Ideas

    Horizontal Layout

    A style of page layout with the days of the week running across the page


    A symbol on a sticker


    Pages that can be put into a ring or disc bound planner


    A Japanese style of design focusing on cuteness, with images that are shy, vulnerable, charming and child-like.


    A set of stickers designed to decorate a weekly layout in a planner


    A type of sticker material which features a non-glossary surface

    Memory planning (back planning)

    Using planning layouts as a way of recording past events and memories

    Mini Happy Planner

    A small version of the Happy Planner


    Page layout featuring a month on 1 page


    Page layout featuring a month on 2 pages


    Someone who attempts to create order from chaos! Also the medium through which this is attempted.

    Planner addict

    Someone who just cannot stop planning (and purchasing supplies to aid in this)

    Planner boss

    Someone who owns and runs a planner business

    Planner peace

    The ultimate goal, sought by all planners, of a planner system that suits an individual’s lifestyle and goals.

    Plan With Me

    A YouTube video showing people putting stickers in their planners


    The act of creating a pattern of holes in paper, card or plastic


    A sticker that is designed to cover a quarter of the area of the box in an EC style planner spread


    Random Act of Kindness – for planners, the act of sending something planner related to another planner for their pleasure

    Removable matte

    A type of sticker material which allows the user to remove and reuse the sticker easily


    The appearance of outlines of marks from one side of the paper on the other


    A brand of ink pen often used by planners


    A type of legend used in bullet journaling

    Sticker Kit

    A weekly spread of stickers designed to make a page layout beautiful

    Vertical layout

    A style of page layout with the days of the week running down the page


    A type of sticker material that is thick and plastic-like


    A type of paper tape that can be used to decorate a planner spread.


    Week on 1 page


    Week on 2 pages


    Total:    /54


    How did you rate?

    0-15 – You’re a planner newbie! Don’t worry, you’ll soon pick up the language and all the tips and tricks to make you a better planner.

    16-30 – You’re a planner apprentice – capable, learning quickly and still very enthusiastic!

    31-50 – You’re a planner pro! You really know your stuff.

    50+ - You must be a planner addict!

    Whatever your score, why not join our Facebook VIP page to chat about all things planner-related with other planner newbies, apprentices, pros and addicts!

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