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  • April 14, 2021 4 min read

    How using a personal planner to create your goals, track your progress and unleash your creativity can increase your chances of success.

    Tanya Biddle from Tanya Maree Coaching

    Welcome to Planning for Personal Development. I’m Tanya from Tanya Maree Coaching, I specialise in helping women who have lost themselves whilst becoming wives and mothers. Women who feel unappreciated, lost, unhappy and trapped. Together we re-discover who they used to be, who they are now and who they want to be. I help them regain control of their lives, re-kindle their passion for life and create an amazing future.

    In this monthly Planning for Personal Development FB Live series, we will explore how to use your planner to create the life you dream of and deserve whilst nurturing your creative spirit.  Each month we will be focusing on an area of your life, the planner insert best suited to support you, how to get the most out of it and how to personalise it so that it’s a joy to use.

     Tanya's planner


    This month we are starting at the beginning (always a good place to start) with a review of our lives as a whole.

    Insert in Focus – Life Balance Review

    “Now is the best time to start becoming the person we want to be.”
    Dieter V. Uchtdorf

    This is where the Life Balance Review insert from Chasing Planner Peace comes in.  This is the perfect tool to list every important area of your life and rate it (out of 10) to determine if it measures up to your expectations or not.  It provides an opportunity to rise above the daily grind and look down upon your life with a more objective eye.  When we are caught up in our daily routine it sometimes feels impossible to catch our breath and take a break.  You may also be feeling like you’ve lost direction and control of your life and everyone else is choosing what is important to you, setting your priorities and controlling your calendar.  Now is the best time to make the decision to reclaim control, make different choices and incorporate more joy into your life by evaluating the important areas of your life and identifying what you want more or less of in those areas.

    The Life Balance Review insert provides for up to eight areas to focus on, if you’re struggling I use these ones with my clients:

    • Spirituality
    • Kids
    • Food
    • Play
    • Work
    • Partner
    • Friends
    • Movement

    A5 Life Balance review insert


    This is a very personal process so you can choose whatever is important to you (you may only have four or five areas – and that’s fine too).

    Once you have your list, give each area a score out of ten.  How happy are you with this aspect of your life?  What would a score of 10 look like in this area?  How about a score of 5; what would that look like?  You get the idea.

    Now you have given each area a score, decide what you would like the score to be.  We are not necessarily aiming for 10/10 for every area of your life.  This is all about how YOU want your life to look.  If a score of 10 in Food means you only ever eat healthy and don’t drink alcohol maybe your sweet spot is an 8. If you gave this area a score of 5, you have some room for improvement but are still able to indulge occasionally. Complete this process for every area on your list.

    Completed A5 Life Balance review insert


    Once you’re done, reflect on your results.  What does this tell you about where you focus your effort and energy?  Which areas needs more love and attention?  Which areas are demanding too much of your time.  Where you start is totally up to you, as long as you start.

    Completing the Life Balance Review provides clarity, awareness and a starting point for making positive changes in the choices you make and the actions you take.  It’s also important to track your progress by repeating this process every month to highlight the progress you’ve made so you can celebrate your wins which will keep you motivated.

    Next month we will be looking at how to use your results from your Life Balance Review to set goals in each area of your life and ensure they are meaningful, motivational and attainable.

    I’d love to see the results of your Life Balance Review and answer any questions that you might have so contact me through my website, Facebook or Instagram and post your photos in the Chasing Planner Peace VIP Facebook Group.

    Let’s celebrate our successes, support each other and share our creativity.

    Much Love




    Tanya Maree Coaching

    Visit Tanya's website - - to book a free consultation.


    Would you like to try the Life Balance Review insert for yourself? You can find it in A5 size, B6 size and for personal size planners

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