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  • May 19, 2021 4 min read

    How using a personal planner to create your goals, track your progress and unleash your creativity can increase your chances of success.

    Tanya Biddle from Tanya Maree Coaching

    Welcome back to the Planning for Personal Development FB Live series.  I’m Tanya from Tanya Maree Coaching and in this second episode we will be building on what we created with our Life Balance Review from last month.

    Hopefully you have gained some clarity on the important areas of your life, rated them out of 10 and identified the gaps between your current and ideal score in each area.  The next step is to choose one of the areas of your life that you would like to work on and set a meaningful, measurable and achievable goal to help you reach your ideal score.

    Inserts in Focus – Goal Setting Pages/Wellness Habits Planner/Habits Tracker Planner

    CPP have a multitude of inserts and planners to support your goal achievement journey and the inserts we are using in this episode are the A5 Goal Setting pages, Wellness Habits Planner and Habits Tracker Planner pages.  Each of these inserts is the perfect tool for setting and achieving meaningful goals and creating positive changes in your life to reclaim your passion and yourself.

    The first thing we need is a goal statement.  It’s a few sentences about what you want to achieve and by when.  Some important points to note when creating your goal statement:

    ֎Keep the language positive (think I want to weigh XX kgs rather than I want to lose XX kgs), this slight shift in language moves our focus from what we don’t want to what we do want, it also moves us away from the negative connotation of losing something
    ֎Use present tense (like you have already achieved your goal), when we use the present tense we create the emotions of already having achieved our goal rather than keeping the attainment always in the future
    ֎Make it personal (this is all about tapping into your subconscious), goal statements are more powerful when we use “I” instead of “my”
    ֎Be specific (who, when, what, where, why), a goal statement filled with rich detail will help you visualise your success, capture your emotions and keep you motivated
    ֎Make it measurable (how will you know when you have succeeded),
    ֎Keep is attainable (do you have/or can you attain the skills and resources to achieve this goal), do you have the time, money, etc.
    ֎Be relevant (is this goal something you really want for yourself or is it what others say you should do),
    ֎Set a timeframe (when do you want to have this goal achieved), setting a time limit helps with motivation and the setting of milestones along the way.

    Let me give you a couple of examples:

    “By 30 June 2021 (timeframe) I am (present tense/personal/positive) meditating for 30 minutes every day (specific/attainable/measurable)”
    “By 30 November 2021 (timeframe) I weigh (present tense/personal/positive) XXkg(specific/attainable/measurable)”

    The Goal Setting pages are a fabulous resource as they provide space for you to break your goal down and covers the majority of essentials that I touched on above.  When creating a goal name, I encourage you to make this a powerful, positive title.

    The goal description allows for more detail and emotions (using the guidelines above) to create an empowering and energising statement of what you want (read deserve) and why.

    The steps section is where you record your milestones and I highly recommend working backwards.  Visualise yourself in your future state; you’ve achieved your goal, you are proud, ecstatic, excited, empowered and amazed by what you are capable of, what was the last step you took and the one before that and the one before that?

    The next section is all about measuring your success.  How will you know you have what you want and are where you want to be?

    Setting yourself a reward is great for motivation, and let’s face it, you deserve to be rewarded for your transformation.  Choose something you don’t do or have already.  A girl’s weekend away, assuming you never give yourself time or money to do that, is far more motivational than a dinner out with the girls, which you might already do every 3-4 months.  At the bottom of the page is a habit tracker which is great for raising your awareness around making progress each day toward your goal.

    For a more detailed method of keeping track of the steps you have identified, I highly recommend using the Wellness Habits Planner inserts and/or the Habit Tracker Planner inserts.  Both these pages allow you to break down your steps (milestones) even further so you stay accountable and feel good about moving forwards with positive actions every single day.  Think about what daily actions, habits and emotions are essential to guarantee your success.  What do you need to be doing, thinking and feeling?


    One final point I will make is about accountability.  This term comes loaded with assumptions of blame, shame and criticism but that is not what it’s about.  What it IS about is support, encouragement and providing the opportunity to be kept on track.  I challenge you to announce to the world that THIS is what you want and deserve and THIS is what you are going to create for yourself.  When you succeed you will feel amazing and inspire others, when you slip off the path you have people to encourage you to get back on track.

    Sending you much love and light on your goal setting journey.

    Tanya xx


    Tanya Maree Coaching

    Visit Tanya's website - - to book a free consultation.


    Would you like to try the Goal Setting, Habit Tracking and Wellness Habits inserts for yourself? These will fit one of our A5 planner covers or any standard A5 6 ring planner. 

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